4 Pillars

Prevention and Education

Interventions that seek to prevent or delay substance use and prevent problematic substance use.  These interventions may focus on reducing the factors that increase the risk of developing substance use issues and may also aim to increase protective factors, including promoting healthy families and education and awareness initiatives that enhance the knowledge and skills of the community related to substance use.

Harm Reduction

Interventions that seek to reduce the health, social and economic harms associated with substance use. These interventions respect the rights of those who use substances, and may increase awareness regarding lower risk use. Such approaches aim to reduce the spread of communicable diseases, prevent overdose harms and deaths, increase contact with healthcare providers, and reduce consumption of illicit substances in unsafe settings.

Treatment and Recovery

Interventions that seek to improve the physical and emotional well-being of people who use substances or have used substances. These interventions include a continuum of services and interventions, such as counselling, residential programs, and community-based withdrawal programs.

Enforcement and Justice

Interventions that seek to strengthen community safety by responding to crime and disorder in the community related to substance use. Given that police interact frequently with people who use drugs, these interventions aim to increase coordination between law enforcement and health services.