Additional Community Initiatives in Windsor and Essex County
While WECOSS addresses certain collaborative opportunities related to substance use there have been and continues to be considerable investment and support for people who use substances as well as their families, and friends in Windsor and Essex County. The list below is not exhaustive and highlights just some of the many efforts that are ongoing within our community.
AIDS Committee of Windsor (ACW):
Needle Syringe Program (NSP): Provides sterile unused needles, safe inhalation kits, and education surrounding wound and abscess care, safer injection information and risk reduction strategies.
Mobile Outreach: Harm Reduction staff provide weekly harm reduction outreach services to predetermined locations within Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent.
Naloxone Program: Naloxone kits are available along with education about how to recognize the signs of overdose and how to administer Naloxone.
Safe Sharps Disposal: In an effort to improve public health and safety, education is on how to properly dispose of sharps and the locations of sharp disposal bins in the community.
Community Education Sessions: A variety of presentations are offered in the community to inform and educate on the basics of harm reduction principles and various harm reduction programs and resources. Some of the presentations include "Women & Harm Reduction and HIV Testing: Assessing Your Risk".
Brentwood Recovery Home
Community Addiction Treatment (Adolescents only): Community addiction treatment for youth 13-16 years of age.
Residential Addiction Treatment (Adult and Youth): Treatment for men and women 16 years of age and older. Program duration is 21 - 90 days as well as aftercare and supports for family and friends of persons challenged by addiction.
Crime Stoppers
Anonymous Reporting: An opportunity for the public to provide information anonymously about those that are dealing drugs in our respective communities. The information is sent to local police for investigation and should it result in enforcement activity, the tipster may qualify for a cash reward of $50-$2000.
Downtown Mission
Phoenix Recovery and Wellness Program: The program is a 12-week outpatient substance use day-program with a harm-reduction person-centered approach with separate men’s and women’s programming.
Women Supporting Women (in partnership with Downtown Mission and ACW): A chance to talk for women who use drugs or engage in sex work and to access harm reduction supplies and menstrual hygiene products.
Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare
Center for Problem Gambling and Digital Dependency: Both residential and outpatient treatment services available for individuals that are impacted by gambling, gaming, and/or problematic internet use related concerns.
Community Withdrawal Management Services: Chemical dependency counsellors support those who prefer to undergo withdrawal at home or in another safe, supportive environment.
Concurrent Disorders Treatment Program: A mental health and addictions outpatient program designed for any resident 16 years of age or older, whose health is affected by a diagnosed mental health concern and substance related misuse/dependency.
Residential Withdrawal Management Services: A residential program for people who need monitoring of their withdrawal symptoms and/or a structured, safe environment to stop using.
Remedial Measures Program (Back on Track): Clients are provided assessment, education, treatment and follow-up interview as part of the Ministry of Transportation remedial measures requirements for drivers convicted of impaired or warn range driving.
Windsor Addiction Assessment and Referral Services: This community based agency provides servicing to individuals aged 16 and older who are concerned or experiencing problems and/or negative consequences related to substance use. This service determines eligibility for publically funded addiction programming and access to outpatient treatment groups for addictions.
Legal Assistance of Windsor
Legal Representation: Additional social work supports are offered to address many of the root causes of addiction and homelessness, including income instability, evictions and criminal injuries compensation.
Ontario Provincial Police
Mental Health Response Unit: Two person units (one police officer and one crisis worker) follow up with people that had police contact or have been referred by a member of the public, linking them with services in their community (e.g., AA, counselling or shelters).
School Boards in Windsor-Essex
Substance Use Prevention and Education: Schools are partnering with the Health Unit and all local police agencies to provide education about cannabis to high school and elementary school students. It is a joint presentation by the health unit and the local police agency that serves the school (OPP, Windsor Police or LaSalle Police).
Windsor Essex Community Health Centre
Addiction Support Workers and STEPS: Addiction Support Workers provide individual and group therapy services to persons affected by substance use via the S.T.E.P.S. (Stability Through Education Prevention and Support) Program. This program offers harm reduction, relapse prevention, community referrals, assessment, treatment planning, mental health referrals, and supports for family members of individuals with addiction issues.
Community Outreach: Health Promotion team available to provide outreach (e.g., presentations) to community partners, work places, and schools.
L.E.A.P. (LaSalle Empowerment Assistance Program): Partnering with Lasalle Police, this peer support group is accompanied by an Addiction Support Worker for individuals between the ages of 18 and 25 and their loved ones.
Naloxone Program: Naloxone kits are available along with education about how to recognize the signs of overdose and how to administer Naloxone.
Not My Kid: Mental Health & Addiction Events: Hosted to help destigmatize addiction by providing education on prevention, facilitating system navigation for treatment options, the opportunity to receive naloxone training and hear lived experiences of community members.
Outpatient Addictions Program at weCHC Teen Health Site: This program offers psychotherapy to youth aged 12-24 who are concerned about their alcohol or drug use.
Psychotherapist/Addiction Support Counsellor at weCHC Teen: Free counselling for individuals 12-24 years of age at weCHC Teen Site (1361 Ouellette Ave).
Windsor Police and LaSalle Police Services:
C.O.A.S.T. (Community Outreach and Support Team): Windsor Police Services provides two officers and Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare’s Community Crisis Centre provides two crisis workers to work in partnership in operating two Community Outreach and Support Teams. This service will be extended to LaSalle and Amherstburg with a LaSalle Police Service officer and an officer with Windsor Police Services operating in Amherstburg.
Windsor Regional Hospital
Mental Health Program: Provides acute services 24/7 for patients 16 years of age or older. Services include emergency psychiatric assessments through the Emergency Department, as well as admission into the Mental Health Program.
Multi-Disciplinary Team: Specific to addiction services, the agency liaises with community partners as part of a patient discharge process. Nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, family practice physicians, and psychiatrists work together to support patients with mental health and addiction issues.
Health Canada. (2018, August 13). Pillars of the canadian drugs and substances strategy. Retrieved from…
Windsor-Essex County Health Unit. (2017). Opioid Misuse in Windsor-Essex. Windsor: Windsor-Essex County Health Unit.
Windsor-Essex County Health Unit. (2018). Opioid and Substance Use in Windsor Essex County {Internal technical report). Windsor: Windsor-Essex County Health Unit.
Windsor Essex Community Opioid and Substance
- AIDS Committee of Windsor
- Amherstburg Police Service
- Canadian Mental Health Association
- City of Windsor
- Conseil scolaire catholique Providence
- County of Essex
- Erie Shores HealthCare
- Erie-St. Clair Clinic
- Essex-Windsor EMS
- Greater Essex County District School Board
- Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare
- House of Sophrosyne
- LaSalle Police Service
- Erie-St. Clair Local Health Integration Network
- Ontario Provincial Police
- Peer Representatives
- Southwest Aboriginal Health Access Centre
- St. Leonard’s House
- United Way Neighbourhood Engagement Strategy
- Windsor Essex Catholic District School Board
- Windsor-Essex Community Health Centre
- Windsor-Essex County Board of Health
- Windsor-Essex County Health Unit
- Windsor Police Service
- Windsor Regional Hospital