High Number Of Opioid Overdoses

Windsor-Essex County

Date/Time/Approximate Location

December 29th of 2022 to January 4th of 2023

City of Windsor

Event Description (What is Happening? Who is Affected?)

The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit’s Opioid and Substance Use Notification System has identified an increase in the number of opioid overdose Emergency Department (ED) visits and Emergency Medical Service (EMS) calls inclusively from December 29th of 2022 to January 4th of 2023.

Over this seven-day consecutive period, the system recorded a total of thirteen (13) opioid overdose ED visits, eight (8) of which involved fentanyl. On a single day (January 4th), there were ten (10) opioid overdose ED visits.

The weekly values exceed our two-year and five-year historical average for the current week in question by more than two standard deviations above the mean, and the daily value for January 4th exceeds exceed our two-year and five-year historical average for the date in question by more than three standard deviations above the mean.

During this same time period, the system also recorded a total of eighteen (18) EMS calls for suspected opioid overdose, ten (10) of which occurred on January 4th. Together, these values meet our criteria for a public alert.

Partners involved in the WECOSS, including the WECHU, Windsor Regional Hospital, Essex Windsor-EMS, Erie Shores Healthcare, and Police Services, continue to monitor this increase and are working to understand more about these reported cases.

Suggested Actions

Please share the Alert amongst your networks.  If you are aware of any linkages between these cases or other causes for these increases, please contact the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit.


  • Never use alone.
  • Try a very small amount first – “Start low and go slow.”
  • If you use with a friend, do not use at the exact same time.
  • Avoid mixing substances.
  • Call 9-1-1 immediately if something doesn’t feel right.
  • Have naloxone ready. Know how to respond to and prevent an opioid overdose.

You can also visit the WECOSS Data Dashboard for additional statistics on opioid and other substance use in Windsor-Essex County.


WECHU (Acute Care Enhanced Surveillance Application - ACES), Essex-Windsor EMS Overdose Notification System, Windsor Police Services