High Number of Opioid-Related Emergency Department Visits and Overdoses & Substance Use-Related Emergency Medical Service Calls

Windsor-Essex County

Date/Time/Approximate Location

Tuesday, March 1st, 2022

Windsor & Essex County 


Event Description

The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit’s surveillance and monitoring system has identified an increase in the number of opioid-related Emergency Department (ED) visits and substance use-related Emergency Medical Service (EMS) calls inclusively between February 21st and February 27th of 2022.

Over this consecutive seven-day period, there were a total of eight (8) opioid overdoses reported by Windsor Regional Hospital and Erie Shores Healthcare combined, six (6) of which involved fentanyl. These values fall below our five-year historical average for the current week in question, but are higher than our two-year average. In addition, Windsor Regional Hospital reported five (5) fentanyl non-overdoses during this same time period, which is relatively high in comparison to historical values. Substance use-related EMS notifications were also received on three consecutive days from February 25th to February 27th, with a total of nine (9) notifications flagged during this time period. As such, based on the information available, a public alert is warranted.

Partners involved in the WECOSS, including the WECHU, Windsor Regional Hospital, Essex Windsor-EMS, Erie Shores Healthcare, and Police Services, continue to monitor this increase and are working to understand more about these reported cases.


Please share this information with clients and relevant partners. If you are aware of any linkages between these cases or other causes for these increases, please contact the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit.

For signs and symptoms of opioid overdose and what to do, visit the WECOSS website: How Can Overdose Be Prevented?


WECHU (Acute Care Enhanced Surveillance Application - ACES), Essex-Windsor EMS Overdose Notification System, Windsor Police Services