Annual Report 2018

Treatment and Recovery



WECOSS Action Plan Guiding Recommendation [SEVEN]

Work with provincial partners to advocate for increased funding to expand the capacity of the local substance use treatment system.

Goal: To raise awareness about treatment and recovery options for key target groups, including those who are using substances and their loved ones and other health and social service professionals.

Summary of Activities: A review of the research literature on care pathways was completed to determine what elements needed to be included in an evidence based care pathway. A community resource (poster and fact sheet) was produced for the public that outlines the continuum of care of available treatment and recovery options. The resource package was disseminated to local healthcare providers including family physicians and dentists to post in their reception areas, along with fact sheets to provide to their patients and clients.

Measurable Outputs:

  • Treatment Roadmap to Recovery resource
  • 300 (+) resource packages delivered to healthcare providers



WECOSS Action Plan Guiding Recommendation [SEVEN]

Work with provincial partners to advocate for increased funding to expand the capacity of the local substance use treatment system.

Goal: To review and optimize current processes used to assess and screen clients for treatment services, including examining how best to position recently added staff at Community Withdrawal Management Services, as well as Addictions Support Workers, and a Chronic Pain Case Manager, to support streamlined access to treatment and recovery services.

Summary of Activities: A current state analysis and mapping of the assessment and referral process took place in early 2018. Opportunities for improvement to the existing system were identified, including the implementation of a coordinated staged screening approach that begins with community agencies. The Global Appraisal of Individual Needs (GAINs) has been determined to be an effective tool in the screening and assessment process for accessing substance use services in Ontario. Education has been provided to staff at specific community agencies related to the use of the GAINs-Short Screener (GAINs-SS) tool, to support more seamless and streamlined access to appropriate services.

This community wide initiative is creating the foundation necessary for a coordinated access model for delivery of addiction services-it is a system where there is no wrong door, but where all doors lead toward an established and comprehensive service delivery model that is easily accessible and responsive to the needs of individuals and families with addiction.

Measurable Outputs: 

  • 4 GAINS-SS education sessions offered to local community health agencies
  • 36 staff at 16 community organizations trained on GAINS -SS tool. An additional 16 organizations will receive GAINs-SS training by May 2019.