Family Services Windsor-Essex

Counselling Appointments
Individuals can talk with a qualified counsellor by scheduling an appointment at 519-966-5010. Qualified counsellors will meet individuals privately to talk about their issues, help them decide what issues to work on together, discuss their challenges and opportunities, help them decide on action steps to move forward in their life, connect them with other community agencies as needed, support them while they take their first steps, and help them deal with any new issues or challenges that may arise. Ongoing support can be provided by the same counsellor over time. There is a potential fee for service, and subsidies are available for those who qualify.
Phone Number
Cost for Services
Cost for Services
Cost Details
Affordable counselling fees are determined through a sliding scale that is based on household income, family size, and ability to pay. Counselling may be free if individuals are covered by a workplace Employee Assistance Program or a healthcare benefit package, or if they qualify for a financial subsidy. Contact our Customer Care team at 519-966-5010 to discuss what options would be available to you.

Service Area
Mental Health
Languages Offered


Hours of Operation
Mon-Thurs 9am-8pm, Friday 9am-5pm, Sat 9am-2pm

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